Thursday, February 4, 2010


Ok guys i'm all moved in and I must say I wish I would have done it sooner. Although I always had my own space, nothing compares to physically being on your own. Yeah I may be paying 3 times more than what I was paying my parents but the rewards are instantly gratifying. Nothing compares to the feeling I get when I walk through the door. This leads me to my next topic...

I came from a home where we didn't want for much. We had the necessities plus some added luxuries. Some may say I lived a sheltered life but that was far from the case. My parents allowed me to venture into the world and learn on my own and I GRATEFULLY thank them for that. I have made many mistakes along the way but it has totally made me the person I am today. Granted I am human and I still make my mistakes but there are some things I can see coming a mile away! I see things that go on around me and I thank goodness I was able and still am able to avoid those pitfalls! So this goes out to you guys (my parents) THANK YOU!!!!!!!

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