Thursday, February 4, 2010


Is it possible for close friends to grow apart?

I answer with a resounding YES!!
At this point in my life I don't call just anyone a friend. I have MANY associates, some I speak to daily and some once a month. When I take a step back and evaluate these friendships I question where did we go wrong? The only answer I can come up with is "we've grown apart". By grown apart I don't mean move to another state. Grown apart in my terms means we have chosen to travel down different paths. My mother has always told me that your circle of people should reflect the person you are and all the drama will be LIMITED (please note, I didn't say eliminated, we are women for crying out loud). Some may translate that into being superficial and yes that is one aspect of it but it also means to surround yourself with people of the same interests or accomplishments. This limits the jealousy, envy and phoniness!!!!

In saying that for the new year (its only Feb so I can still add to my 2010 goals, hmph) I plan to limit my contact with those that I know just do not have my best interest at heart, those that pray on my downfall, and those that I straight don't have ish in common with!!! Some are easy to spot while others I may have to look beneath the surface a little more. If all I am left with in the end is family i'd be grateful because all I did was make room for those that are worthy!

P.S. Merely my opinion and what is currently on my mind!

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