Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lesson Learned...

This week alone has been tragic, enlightening, and inspiring all in one. With the loss of my grandfather (R.I.P Papa), I really started to pay more attention to the things that once seemed natural to me! All in all I laughed, cried, and even screamed but I weathered the storm with many lessons learned...

Do not make someone a priority when to them you're only an option (an oldie but goodie that means more to me now then ever before)
Confide only in those that confide in you
Give only what you are given
Extend yourself only to those that will extend themselves to you
Jealousy is a disease that many are infected by and I do not have the antibiotic
No matter what anyone says or does to me it will never take away from who I am, how far i've come, and all that I have yet to accomplish
Only tell on a need to know basis
Less squares make your circle smaller

oh and last but not least


WOOOO SAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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