Saturday, May 29, 2010

Using your inner Samatha!

Hey hey bloggers! I am back the Org. Diva took a little break but now I am back with my girl Simply doing it big! Summer is here and we doing it big. Ladies ladies... Summer is not only the shortest season, but it the most vauable season of all seasons! This is the season of bikinis, shoes, dress and of course men hot,sexy, tasty men (sounds sexist, I know but what the hell!) Opening day of Sex And The City 2, I noticed something I never really noticed before, in all the seasons of watching this show; I never found myself to have an inner Samantha! Yes Yes ladies I know many of you are saying Samatha with a shocked look on your face, and why not Carrie, but ladies we all can be a Carrie, but we don't ever let out our Samantha. And when I mean let out your inner Samantha, I don't mean be a whore bag, I mean embrace that sexy kitten waiting to be let out. Ladies we really have to stop laying around waiting for our Mr. Big, and just have fun with the young hot stuff that trot around. This summer many of us cry that we aren't sexy enough to wear a bikini, we aren't thick enough to show some skin, we are to big to embrace our bodies, and that all becomes nagging, and depressive actions! I say let it all go , it's 2010 our year to be who we are, and this summer let it all out and be free. So this Summer I want you say this saying that I was thought as a teen in NYC by a few good, but crazy friends. LIVE LOVE AND EMBRACE BECAUSE THE ONLY PERSON WHO KNOWS I'M BEAUTIFUL IS ME AND I AM A BEAUTIFUL ( YOUR RACE) DIVA! So this Summer have fun and I'll see you out on the beach.

Love ya,

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