Friday, April 2, 2010


It seems as though when single women hit a certain age it's almost as if they have been given a time stamp on their life. I can admit that I too have been guilty of this, but as time has progressed I have realized that it truly isn't THAT serious!!! I have been able to see both sides of the spectrum and can honestly say that I enjoy being single and even question whether or not being married and having kids is something that is even important to me anymore. Relationships are like a second job!! It takes A LOT of work and although it can bring happiness it also has its sad moments as well. The biggest plight is learning to TRUST that person and that's something that I do not have an easy time doing. Relationships carry many expectations that people tend to not understand! So in saying all that I find that for now it's much easier to just lay low and enjoy the freedom. Who knows my outlook may change but for now it's all about trips, food, and fun!!! Oh yeah and shopping lol!

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