Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mr. right and Mr. right now

Hello ladies now this is a real reader. Friday, I found myself on a date in a situation of the Mr. right and Mr. right now. I went on a date with a real cool guy that showed me mister right does exist! Last night while talking to this awesome and yet very different man I found out that the nice guys do end last, and that we as ladies rush into situations with what I call the "bigger and better" in our minds. When talking to him Friday, I noticed he confided in me with a lot about himself not only made me respect him more, but made me like him a little more. He basically went from a quick hook up, to being Mr. wow. But now ladies, don't fall in love to quick it was just a date; I did not see marriage, moving in , or children at all! So when I brought this up to simply tash b it was a shocker to her as it was to I, and at that moment she stated words that I think every lady should here "it's sad to see how these girls (you) run around and do themselves instead of waiting for right man." (not the exact words, but close lol). When talking to this guy, I learned that chasing a dude, running behind one, or even trying to have him be your puppet is not the RIGHT way! We look in to many things and see that the man we want is not the man we have, but he should be the man that you embrace. Today many of us young professional (like simply and I) we look for the Renaissance man. The renaissance man is the thinker, provider, and the romantic; yes we all wish to have this man but ladies!!!!! he does not exist!!!! The Renaissance man is created.

Today after having a beautiful lunch with Tash B. I seen a home girl on facebook. She is married, with a child (who is not her husband's), she has no education past high school, and last; her man lives in a whole different place and he has a child with another girl! See now I am not saying that the situation is bad, but it works for her. I say this every time I see a friend in a horrible situation and I tell you, LADIES STOP LIMITING YOURSELVES! We look at ourselves in the mirror every morning and catch ourselves playing the I REFUSE! game. Stop sayig I refuse this or that, but that I will try this or that. Ladies to limit yourself is just a set up, not to the good life, but to the low life.

Many of my family members, friends, and yes parents! judge me about being single, but what I do ignore it. I never seem to make myself feel sour about being single I actually enjoy it , as Samantha (sitc) would say " why be stuck with one man, when you can try them all" and that's what I decided to do try them all, and when I mean them all I mean men of all ages, races, and styles. I have a preference and in due time if we are meant to be together he will transition in to the man I held down, respected, and fell in love with. Not the man I created.

We think in life that all we have to do which is get a man, build the man we want him to be, and voila la hombre de dreams appears! right! nope wrong. When you build a man you build a man for another woman. When you have a man just do the three obvious things; never seem available, never call him to many times, and always show him you have options; as much as a brother will tell you he hates the chase, girl he really appreciates it. A man never continues with a female with avaiblitity, and if he does he is a control freak! I always find myself to be very outspoken, and maybe a lot of "boys" might feel I am doing to much, but a "man" will see what is wrong about him and try to change for the better of the relationship.

Ladies to complete this I say Live Love and Louboutins because your way of life is the only way you can be proud of whom you are.

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