Saturday, April 3, 2010

Rethinking Life, Marriage, and Yourself

Today's entry is dedicated to those whom thought that they couldn't make it, but by their own and God's will, did! The other day Tash B and I went to see Why Did I Get Married Too?(the sequel to Why did I get Married?), and funny enough this movie inspired my entry today on rethinking marriage. I know you might be thinking, "what about life and myself?"" well good question because those two parts were inspired by friends (Life), and myself(yourself). Lets start with the category of Life. Life means( to relate to a being), which in my sense means to relate to everything around you and embrace it! Your life is not a toy to be played with, but should be a diamond that you carefully take care of, and scarifie to no one, but God (for those who believe). I look at my life and look at all the obstacles I been through, all the scarifies I made, and all the goals I accomplished, and than said to myself "Thank You God for making me experience another day". Sometimes in life, we complain about something as little as not having our own apartment (example of me), but little do we think of those people that have to work three jobs just to maintain the rent next month. I also have heard people complain about a little headache they can take aspirin for, but little do they know there are people out there on dialysis waiting for a transplant, and still wake up every morning to go to work an 8 hour shift. People, people, people especially you ladies, lets not waste life on worrying about the little things; such as, clothing, make-up, and OMG! men. We surely have more to life than that. Now you maybe wondering what about the "marriage" part... well i was getting to that. Marriage (a bond that brings two families together as one); when watching the movie I observed it from not a viewers eyes, but a psych majors eyes. There were plenty of metaphors and similes that in the movie; that made me observe that marriage or a relationship, as Tash B stated is a job within itself. Sometimes, I sit and daydream what will it be to be married, and than wake the hell up.Marriage or relationship should not be played with, but respected and appreciate by both parties. Remember it is a 50/50 or as I like 80/20(the man is known to be the provider in every way), but ladies we can always pick up the slack to and build our men sometimes. The matter of the message is though; that life is a blessing and we should thank God for every morning we wake, and that marriage is a union that brings not a family, but a couple together to embrace each other. I ask of you ladies follow these simple words, and you will see you and only you can embrace your own future.

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