Monday, January 25, 2010

moving in and moving on

welcome fellow readers da org. diva here, so this weekend Ms. B finally moved in and moved on to new and better things and here is were my topic comes from. As we discussed, many friends we looked into have been in many relations they explore and try to manage, we discovered that many of them especially the females can't move in and move on. I use this topic today to not only show women, but also men that life has stepping stones and that if we work hard and commitment we can overcome any obstacles and any disadvantages that may come our way. I learned long ago from very wise men that you NOTICE a sign that a man isn't interested so before you make him express that to you, you move in (express your feelings and that you don't see anything going anywhere) and move out ( take your bag offer to take care of the check and like they say walk with a chip on your shoulder) COME ON LADIES it's pure common sense and not only will it shows confidence it will make a man notice that you are not interested in games and you have other options, and in the end they will surely run to you. I will give you an example me, I have a new boyfriend and he couldn't get the routine till the "THREAT" he was currently going through a situation as were he was taking his time with ending it with another female so I did what I had to do threaten. I told him that I am grown and as much as I love him I have no patience for the bull and that if he didn't end it with the other female and think he was going to have chocolate cookies and butter pecan cookies he was highly mistaken and that butter pecan cookies with be definitely removed off his selves and placed in a more high maintenance grocery store. And after 3 days of ignoring, talking to other men, and not paying the men came to his senses and stated that not only did he love me, but was in love and he finally made that step. Of course I was happy, but I wanted him to prove it because words are words ladies and men we need to learn that when its time to move in, it is surely time to move on

signing out
yours truly
Da Org. DIVA

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